Projects & Teams







"Leadership" often conjures up images of hierarchy, the top down power that creates unnecessary tension between the haves and the have nots. Such leadership can exacerbate social inequalities, alienation and environmental destruction. In a society that is increasingly connected, and evolving ever rapidly, this form of centralised concentrated leadership cannot answer to change fast enough.

So, what kind of leadership do we need to guarantee humans are best able to care for and support each other and the environment? What are the other models of leadership we need? Where will this change come from? How will we adapt and evolve the current conception of leadership towards a more sustainable world? What is the difference between "leadership", "Thought Leadership" and "Sustainable Leadership"?

It is clear that our generation has the duty to reinvent leadership and implement it in society overall. The University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) are uniquely positioned to address such questions galvanising strong domain knowledge in science, technology, finance, design and social sciences.

Hong Kong and the world needs a new generation of leaders that understand empathy, interdependency, which is creative, resilient, visionary, and highly cooperative. Such qualities are better learned by experience than merely by theory. Not only is it about acquiring knowledge, but it is really about creating knowledge about the new form of leadership we need.

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Projects 5 Minutes Presentations

Sustainable Leadership. Large Teams 5 Minutes Video Presentation

Course Objectives

Part 1: Learn

  1. Acquire the theoretical knowledge about the diversity of leadership.