I am a junior studying Computer Science at The University of Hong Kong, under an HKU Foundation Scholarship. Ever since high school, I have been interested in solving problems and coming up with new ideas. In 2016, I built a model of a magnetic levitation train only by using waste materials. I love learning new languages and am currently trying to become a fluent Chinese speaker. Currently, I hold the posts of the President of the Hackathon Society, Co-Founder of PayPhone.

My team and I are currently working on multiple personal projects which my team and I aim to commercialise in the near future. Our most recent product, MarkIt did not do very well commercially but we did get to learn a lot through the experience.

My major interests other than computer Science are politics, leadership, Astrophysics and spirituality. Other than these I also enjoy teaching the underprivileged, play the guitar and read books in my spare time. On Sunday's I usually go cycling or for a hike.